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Our first set of stickers are from three dogs of Little Lotus Rescue & Sanctuary:

  • Buttons came into LLR with scars covering the entirety of her body and a missing "button" to her nose. These scars tell a story of a life that she will NEVER have to live again.

  • Ora came to us from a local animal shelter after they heard a serious heart murmur. Ora had a heart defect that only gave her a life expectancy of 1 year. After her heart surgery her life expectancy is 15 years!

  • Canolli was taken in from a local animal shelter with a failing heart due to complications from Valley Fever. Even after consulting with the worlds expert on Valley Fever and Boaoard Certified Veterinary Cardiologists, there was no fixing Canollis heart. Canolli lived with his hospice foster for his short time with us and changed our lives. Not everyone gets the time on earth they deserve, but we will make sure we do everything to make them happy and pain free as long as we can.